So what to post about? Movember or the man-date with Havock and Lermontov?
Hmmm, decisions decisions.
Actually the man-date was full of "had to be there" moments and all the best bits have already been on twitter thanks to Havock and his snap happy iPhone.
I will reflect and say that it is always a please to catch up with Havock who is far enough removed from Blunty Havock to be very pleasant company while close enough to Blunty Havock to keep you laughing all night!
Lermontov is definitely an enigma and a fascinating one at that. Class that only good breeding can produce, an earthiness that comes from all-boys schools and the military, all nicely balanced with an intelligent self-awareness. Very enjoyable company and we were all far and away the best dressed people wherever we went.
So onto Movember. Today is the official start date, so we are all clean shaven for the kickoff! So for some photos and to see Big Bad Al's fantastic shirt go to .
Any team members that haven't received an invite to be an author at the Magnum blog, drop me a line at and I will send you an invite.
Big boat toot
1 week ago
I wanna see the piccies here of ur man date with Lerm and Havock.. pluressssssssssssse... :)
ReplyDeleteHmmmm, will think about it and consult the others and see if they are up for it.
ReplyDeleteIt was a big night. I looked at Hav's twitter feed the following day, priceless! Great to meet both the guys. At the end of the night a lady came up to us in bar and said that Tony looked pretty good, but I looked like the Worst Dressed Man in Melbourne!
ReplyDeleteIt was a great night and I am thinking seriously about somehow recording H's tweets and the responses.
ReplyDeleteThat's not quite how I remembered the conversation with the lady, but then I was being deafened by the roar of Gin in my ears!
I dunno, that cream/bone/white/off-white/ivory/beige suite Lerm was rockin' had some quality to it. The quality of not showing beer stains at least!
ReplyDeleteHav's Twitter feed (it's not private so I presume he's cool with the blogoverse knowing!) is - the evening itself is a fair way down the updates. Pics at
Best tweet of the eve around 1am - "Z spewdwes guts up . Waiting agcstation fic missus to pick me up found lapnhop znc bag sgvfiratvbar .., tatzllh fkd" - they don't write em like that any more.
DrY's choice is the Best Tweet ever!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great evening, shame i missed it, only so many 'urgent drinks' that i can fly accross the country for per year! was a cracker of a night I must admit. I found that missing flash drive I thought had been nicked outta the lap top was in another suit. PROPS to and big ones, the lads at the Mitre Tavern for holding the bag and the good fkn bloke who handed it in...wherever you are.
ReplyDeleteI wont say I was not shitting myself when I rang the cook at fk knows what time to come and get me from the station...and she was cool with it the next day. God knows I was in NO state to drive.
Twit feed is sweet and stress, I flicked a heap to Lerm, Will send'em across to you as well
Get 'em out there for the non tweetniks.
ReplyDeleteReally starting to think with the BT f*ckout the conversation has moved on to another platform I'm not in on.